Elizabeth & Clarke

Go-to-Market for Product Pivot

In the wake of the pandemic, Elizabeth & Clarke (E&C), traditionally known for its smart office wear for women, pivoted to meet the new demands of their customer base. The launch of the "All Hours Collection," a line of stylish, affordable, and Unstainable work from home pajamas, presented an exciting challenge. Tasked with introducing this collection to past customers, the campaign marked E&C's inaugural venture with Klaviyo, transitioning from Mailchimp.

30.21% OR

Open rate BENCHMARK: 21.4%

47.63% CTOR

click to open BENCHMARK: 13.5%

$1.40 RPR

revenue per recipient BENCHMARK: $0.19


  • ▪︎ Migration to Klaviyo: This campaign was E&C's first foray into utilizing Klaviyo, necessitating a strategic approach to leverage its advanced features.
  • ▪︎ Creative Direction: Taking the lead on design before onboarding a copywriter, ensuring the visual narrative aligned with the brand's ethos and the collection's appeal.


This required a seamless migration to Klaviyo, creating a campaign that not only highlighted the product's unique value but also encouraged purchases through strategic promotion. The primary goal was to effectively showcase the new pajama collection to E&C's existing customer base, driving engagement and sales.


  • ▪︎ Strategist: Guided the campaign's direction, focusing on leveraging Klaviyo's capabilities to enhance customer engagement.
  • ▪︎ Designer: Crafted visually compelling emails incorporating animated GIFs and responsive design, setting the stage for an immersive customer experience.
  • ▪︎ Developer: Implemented custom typefaces with fallback stacks, ensuring brand consistency across various email clients, including Outlook-specific conditional content.
  • ▪︎ Analyst: Closely monitored campaign metrics to gauge performance and guide future strategies.


Animated GIF
Litmus Tested
Live Text
Outlook Fallback
Responsive Design
Cross-Client Compatibility
Automated Email
Dynamic Content (Liquid)
Data Segmentation
Multivariate Testing
Fallback Fonts
Transactional Email
Behavioral Triggers
Accessibility Features
Live Text
Dark Mode
Brand Imagery
Gradient Backgrounds
Custom Email Layout
Branded Fonts
Bulletproof Background Images
Hover Highlights
Product Grid Design
Hover Animations
Live Data Feeds
Flip Animation


Launched a meticulously crafted email campaign targeting E&C's past customers. The initial email highlighted the Unstainable pajamas, followed by a strategic promotion offering a 10% savings for customers purchasing a set. This two-pronged approach balanced product education with an enticing offer to stimulate interest and drive sales.

Lessons Learned

The success of this campaign illuminated several key insights, including the importance of a seamless migration to new marketing platforms, the power of integrating design and technology, and the value of strategic promotions. Future initiatives will build on these learnings, further refining targeting and personalization techniques to continue elevating customer engagement and sales performance.
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Elevate your product launches with strategies proven to drive engagement and sales. Let's create your success story together.